Politics, Poetry and Reviews

Author: Catherine (Page 20 of 54)


When I wrote my previous post in December, I really didn’t expect to be away from this blog for so long. Unfortunately, a combination of a wrist injury, work commitments, and a sort of dullness of heart that made even the idea of writing exhausting took their toll. Also, it’s very hard to pick just one political topic at present. There seems to be a constant barrage of new, most of it either infuriating or depressing.

And I’m not going to write about any of that today, either, though I do hope to be back here more soon.

Today, I want to celebrate the life of a most excellent cat.

Nothing bad ever came of scratching a fluffy tummy like this one.

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Hugo reading 2018: Best Fan Artist category

OK, on to the Best Fan Artist, where similar caveats apply – I know nothing about art, but I know what I like.  And I have a ballot, and I’m not afraid to use it…

Geneva Benton – I rather like these.  They are playful and colourful and sweet. And they feel very fan-art to me, though I couldn’t express why.  I like the third one, where she is doing a bit of a riff on Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, but with a black woman.  Andrew reckons colours and style of art in that particular picture is reminiscent of the 70s soul funk vibe you get in blaxploitation films, and someone is clearly taking this whole section a lot more seriously than I am…

Grace Fong – does nothing for me.  Most of her pictures are of figures and are almost photorealistic.  Quite cold.  They don’t appeal to Andrew either.

Likhain knows what I like, and what I like is all the colours all the time.  Beautiful, vivid work.  Detailed and tentacular.  Andrew suspects African influence.  I just know that my inner three year old is really happy right now.

Maya Hahto – mostly does pictures of bears.  Very nice bears.  Friendly bears.  Bears who I would like to meet.  Also a nice portrait of Maya Hahto, which is very expressive.  I quite like this.  Also, bears.  Andrew seems moderately approving too.

Spring Schoenhuth – makes fan jewelry rather than fanart.  Andrew: “Seems fine”.  That’s about how I feel, too.

Steve Stiles – bright and cartoonish.  Not really my style.  Andrew reckons he’s riffing on different things, but they aren’t things I recognise.

My ballot is Likhain, Benton, Hahto, Stiles, Fong, Schoenhuth

Andrew’s ballot is Likhain, Stiles, Benton, Hahto, Fong, Schoenhuth

Hugo reading 2018: Best Professional Artist Category

Since I’m basically aesthetically challenge and don’t know what to do in an art gallery, I’m judging this category first and in conjunction with my husband, Andrew (who has a lot more opinions on this sort of thing than I do).  Also, I know this category won’t take me long, because when you really know nothing about art, it doesn’t take long to go ‘ooh pretty’ or ‘nope, not my thing’.

In other words, I am a philistine.  But I am a philistine who votes!  So here we go!

Bastien Lecouffe Deharme has provided six works.  They are in a sort of oil painting style, and he likes an aesthetic I think of as a bit renaissance/ Dutch master, which has lots of deep shadows and use of light.  Two of them I really like, and a third is very good.  Three of them are absolutely generic fantasy covers.  Andrew thinks the ones I liked remind him a bit of artists like Brom or Michael Whelan.

Galen Dara feels a bit Art Nouveau, if Art Nouveau had a lot more aqua in it.  His work is a bit more stylised, but I like the movement in some of his figures.  Andrew thinks I am thinking of Alphonse Mucha, and now that I look at what he has googled, I think he’s right.  He also detects similarities with Frazer Irving.  He also likes the use of shapes and colour.  (Note that Andrew will always be biased in favour of an artist who uses a lot of aqua.) (Note that Andrew objects to this characterisation.).  We both really like the silhouetted girl dancing with fairies. I like five out of six of these, and love three of them.

John Picacio does nice, realist artwork, but it leaves me cold.  Andrew likes some of them, especially the girl with wings and the spider girl.  He also reckons that Picacio is more technically consistent than Dara or Deharme.  But a lot of it doesn’t grab him either.

Kathleen Jennings is riffing on children’s book illustrations from the Edwardian era.  Each picture is in a different style, so a couple of them evoke Beardsley, others feel very E.H. Shepherd, another Beatrix Potter.  We both adore all of them.  Just gorgeous, delicate, perfect work.  But I have a thing for silhouettes.

Sana Takeda does beautiful, very detailed pen and ink work with a wash of colour.  We get some Monstress art, some Dark Crystal art, and a portrait of Sherlock and Watson, a la Cumberbatch and Freeman.  It’s lovely stuff, but doesn’t capture my heart quite to the extent that Jennings does.  Andrew reckons she comes from a modern Japanese comic art background, but with a strong western inflection.

Victo Ngai comes endorsed by Andrew, who apparently nominated him on my behalf (I gave Andrew free rein over the Hugo sections that I had no opinion about).  He’s rather lovely, and again, fairly Beardsley.  He has read books entirely based on Ngai’s artwork on the cover (Andrew says not entirely, but it was the art that got his attention).

My ballot goes Jennings, Ngai, Takeda, Dara, Deharme, Picacio.  It’s possible that Ngai and Takeda are better artists than Jennings, but I *loved* Jennings’ illustrations, and very little visual art evokes that kind of emotion in me.

Andrew’s ballot goes Ngai, Takeda, Dara, Deharme, Jennings, Picacio.  This is because he is wrong.  (Andrew claims that this is no reflection on the artists’ skill, but is a reflection of personal taste.  Andrew’s personal taste is clearly dreadful.)

Fan artists to follow!

Review: As You Like It and Henry V at the Pop Up Globe

Our Christmas present to each other this year was a day at the Pop Up Globe in Melbourne. Originally, the plan had been to see Around the Globe in 60 Minutes at 11, As You Like It at 2:00 and Henry V at 7:30 – which is a lot of plays, but how often does one get the opportunity to see that much Shakespeare and Shakespeare-adjacent theatre in one sitting? Alas, the Around the Globe show was cancelled at the last minute – but this may have been for the best, because our seats (in the Lower Gallery) were *exceedingly* hard and uncomfortable, and in fact the twinges in my buttocks and lower back kept me awake for quite a bit of last night.

The seating, however, was really my only complaint.

As You Like It was great fun. It was very lively and raunchy, full of music, and they did not miss any opportunities for humour, the naughtier the better. They also did not miss any opportunity to involve the groundlings in the story – in Touchstone’s early speech about the knight who swore by his honour that the pancakes were good and the vegemite was nought, he pointed at said ‘knight’ in the audience, and from then on, he had a constant rivalry with the dishonorable Sir Jarrod. He also had a romance going on with Lady Jane. A woman in the audience became the missing maidservant who had found the girls’ beds un-slept in, and had to answer for their absence, other audience members were singled out to represent other characters or character traits, to be hidden behind, or appealed to, to be the flock of goats, or to illustrate the Jaques’ seven ages of man speech. Any time people of low estate were mentioned, there was a gesture to the groundlings (we in the galleries were the nobility, of course).

Of course, the groundlings also got water squirted at them and paper torn up and thrown at them, and learned to back away FAST whenever the clown was on stage, as he had a tendency to spit ‘teeth’ or to ‘vomit’ water into the audience at every opportunity.

But what was really interesting about this performance was that they made the decision to have all the parts played by men, as they would have been in Shakespeare’s time.

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On 2017, national identity, fear, and hope

Well, hasn’t this been an interesting year?

I don’t think I’d even know where to begin with a proper recap of all the madness that has appeared on the Australian political scene in the last twelve months.  And really, why would I need to?  We’ve all lived through it.  Most of us have no desire to relive it.  And if we do, well, there are many excellent blogs that can help you with that (did you know that Andrew P. Street now has a blog on Patreon?  It’s pretty fantastic, and this post here seems like a good place to start, though he’s pretty reliably witty and interesting at all times.).

So I’m not going to do that.

Instead, I want to write about something that has raised its head in a variety of ways this year, and has, I think, almost been a defining theme of politics in this country.  It’s a question which has been around for a while, and which seems to be being asked a lot at present – or perhaps it would be truer to say that it is a question that is continually being answered, with great forcefulness, even when nobody is asking it.  And it’s a question which I think is going to be part of the political discourse for a good long while yet.

That question is, of course, what it means to be Australian.

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The sky is not falling: How marriage has changed in Australia over the last two and a bit centuries

The people have spoken, the Parliament has done its job, and marriage equality is finally law in Australia.  For my LGBTIQ friends – I am so very pleased that we are finally doing the right thing by you.  And you know that I am just *itching* to make wedding cakes at the earliest opportunity.  (Just don’t all get married on January 9, because there really are only so many cakes I can make in one day…)

Back when this whole debate started, a friend of mine commented that the Marriage Act had certainly changed plenty of times before, and it would be interesting to see how, and who had objected. I started compiling a list of changes (objections were harder to research), but the whole project got so enormous that I never did manage to finish it before I went overseas, and then I came back and was sick for weeks, and by the time I had any brains to speak of, the vote was over and done with.

Still, with Marriage Equality finally signed into law, it seems to me that the time has arrived to take a quick look at all the ways marriage has changed in Australia since European settlement. This is not going to be as carefully referenced as my usual post (December is bedlam when you are a singer, an event organiser, and the person who organises the charity drive and the choir at work), though I will link to all the articles that informed this list at the bottom of the page, so that you can delve further if you are interested (I’m sorry, but referencing often takes longer than the post itself, and December is a busy month for me).

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What a day.

I am so, so relieved for my LGBTI friends right now.  I am so glad that after all the nastiness of the last few months, we got a Yes.  I hope that Turnbull is able to live up to his promise of getting marriage equality legislated by Christmas.

I am also deeply, deeply relieved that the majority was substantial.  I didn’t want a No, but in some ways a Yes with a margin of 51% to 49% or similar would have been worse – we would then have spent the next year re-hashing the whole debate and arguing about who was suppressing whom. A Yes vote of 61.6% isn’t as high as I’d hoped for (though, interestingly, it’s in line both with our polls and with polls in other countries), but it is unarguably a majority.

And 133 out of Australia’s 150 electorates voted yes, including the 14 of the 15 regional electorates held by Nationals MPs! I love that result, because it underlines the fact that this is what the majority of Australia wants, regardless of which part of the country they live in.  And it is heartening to see that there isn’t a huge divide between rural and city electorates in this respect.  (Also, if I can be a petty Melbournian for just one moment, let me just note that we had a much higher Yes vote across greater Melbourne than across Sydney, which amounts to statistical proof that Melbourne is better than Sydney.  I think it’s the climate. More variable weather means more rainbows.)

One thing about this survey that makes me unequivocally happy is that 79.5% of eligible voters participated in the survey, even though it was non-compulsory, non-binding, and entirely lacking in Democracy Sausage.  Compare this to the Irish Referendum on Marriage Equality, which had a turnout of 61%, or Brexit, where the turnout was 72.2%, or the recent US election, where it was just over 58%.  Whatever else you may say about Australians, we are *absolute bloody legends* at turning out to vote.  Seriously – this is something worth celebrating, whatever you think of the result.  We may be losing one senator per week to the citizenship debacle, but our democracy is in good shape.

(Also, with a turnout of nearly 80%, we once again find ourselves at a point where we can say that this result is a pretty good reflection of the will of the Australian people.  61.6% of 79.5% is 49.0% – which means, effectively, that every single person who stayed home would have had to have voted No in order to reverse this result, and even then, the margin would have been slight.  And, while I am not a statistician, my brief look at the numbers earlier suggested that there was a fair correlation between high voter turnout and a high Yes vote.  I don’t think it was the No voters who were staying home.)

Was it worth it?

In one sense, it was.  If it gets us to a place where we can get a decent marriage equality law onto the books, where people can marry the people they love and have it recognised by the state, then, well, the value of that is incalculable.  Looked at that way, it would be worth it whatever the cost.

But something can be worth the money and emotion and time you put into it, and still be more expensive than it needed to be.

This process has hurt people, sometimes badly.  It has made people afraid of their fellow citizens.  It has divided communities and families, and has eroded goodwill between progressive organisations and religious ones (which is doubly wasteful, because these are two groups that can do amazing things when they work together).  Some of this – much of it, even – is down to individuals, but it could easily have been predicted, and avoided.

This survey has cost Australia in time and labour. The ABS could have been doing a lot of other things with the time and personnel it spent on this, as could the politicians, the LGBTQI charities, advocates, and churches who devoted time and resources to the debate.  The process has put added strain on mental health services.  And let’s not forget that it cost $122M in actual money, money that could have been spent on health, or refugees, or medical research, or schools, or, really, anything that would help Australians rather than making everyone miserable.  (I mean, seriously, has *anyone* on either side of this debate enjoyed the last two months?  Other than Tony Abbott, perhaps, and we shouldn’t be encouraging him anyway.).

Don’t get me wrong – I am thrilled for my friends who will be able to marry.  I am one Christian baker who absolutely cannot wait to make wedding cakes for the people she loves.  I am glad beyond measure that Australia is finally taking this step forward for equality.

If we get marriage equality, it will be worth it, absolutely.

But we will still have paid too much.

Yeah, we’re being terrible to people again

OK, then.  I’ve been sick for weeks and weeks, and haven’t had the brains or the energy to write about politics, not even the enduring delight that is the ongoing citizenship drama surrounding our elected leaders.  Also, being sick for so long is making me depressed, so apologies if this post is rather more cynical than usual.

But this stuff on Manus Island is awful.  Even for us, it’s awful.  As far as I can tell, the goal is to starve asylum seekers into agreeing to go back to their countries of origin so that they can be killed out of sight.

And yes, that sounds melodramatic and awful, but when you actually have people saying that they are choosing to stay because they would rather die here than elsewhere… well, that’s pretty horrific.  I’d say it was calling the Government’s bluff, only I don’t think they are bluffing.  I have a terrible, terrible feeling that if we woke up tomorrow to learn that the 606 men left on Nauru had died, either of untreated illnesses, or infection, or by violence, or of thirst, our Government would make noises about country-shoppers being misled by evil refugee advocates and be quietly satisfied that *now* the boats would surely stop coming.

Only I’m not sure that the boats would stop coming, because when the house is on fire, people tend to jump out the window, even if it’s a long drop to the ground.  Boarding up the windows doesn’t fix the problem, it just means you don’t see the people burning to death inside.

Anyway.  There really isn’t much I can say here that I haven’t said many, many times before, so I’ll keep this brief, and then hand over to others who can speak to this better.

I will say, though, that this time?  I’m not saying #BringThemHere.  I don’t think we can be trusted with them.  I think we should take New Zealand up on its offer and support sending these poor men to a country that will actually look after them, and not change its mind and send them back to prison or to their countries of origin when the political wind changes again.  Though that still leaves 450 people un-housed…

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Marriage Equality: Have you received your survey? Plus a book review

If not, you have until Friday to ask for a replacement.

To request a new ballot, please visit the ABS website and fill out their replacement ballot form.

And if you have received your survey?  Now would be a good time to return it.

(I suggest voting yes.  You will be glad you did in twenty years time.)

And now, for something completely different, a book review…

(It’s relevant. I promise.) Continue reading

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