Taken from the Victorian Law Reform Commission Website.

The government has given the commission terms of reference to develop legislative options for abortion decriminalisation and asked the commission to report back by 28 March 2008.

People who want to make a submission to the project should do so by Friday 9 November 2007.

A brief Information Paper about the state of the law in Victoria and other Australian jurisdictions has been posed to this website and includes discussion questions for consideration in submissions.

I have every intention of making a submission. I have no idea what it will say yet, but I want to say something. I’m also going to contact my local politicians on as many sides of government as I can. I encourage Australians reading this post to do likewise – the women in particular. Not that I won’t be encouraging my male friends to get writing about this, because you can be sure I will (it must be added that my husband and other male friends are bloody excellent feminists, which is one of the reasons I love them), but you know, this issue does affect women first and foremost. It is about our bodies and about our health (as well as being about all sorts of other things). We have a particularly personal interest in this debate.

We owe it to ourselves and to the world to make sure we are active and visible in working for the issues that affect us.

(and that statement has application well beyond feminism and reproductive rights)