Politics, Poetry and Reviews

Tag: 2014 (Page 3 of 4)

Meet the Independents: Jeff BARTRAM (Ungrouped, Eastern Victoria)

And now we come to our third ungrouped independent candidate for Eastern Victoria, and what a candidate he is.  I’ve been keeping a vague eye on Jeff Bartram‘s website for a week now, and had concluded that it was just going to be that single photo, announcement of his candidature, and his slogan “Looking for Good in People and in the Region”.

But sometime in the last 24 hours, everything changed.  The website sprang to life, and what a life it is.  Because Jeff Bartram, my dear readers, is another member of that exclusive club – the club of political parties and independents who decide to sell themselves with a song.

Once again, I find myself speechless.  My husband came in to find out what on earth I was listening to, and watched the video with delight for several minutes, before opining that it would make a first-class gay nightclub anthem.  Which was at almost exactly the same moment that I, looking for the Youtube link to the video, found myself being educated by Google on just what tradesman’s entrance can be slang for.

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Meet the Independents: Jean-Michel DAVID (Ungrouped, Eastern Victoria)

Jean-Michel David, who is standing as an Ungrouped Independent in the Eastern Victorian region, does not make it easy to find his website.  I mention this only because I do feel faintly guilty stalking people via their email addresses provided on the VEC website, but I spent a very long time Googling this chap and getting nowhere, and only when I typed in his email domain into my browser was I able to find his official website and confirm that I had been looking at the correct Jean-Michel David all along.  I didn’t know it was possible to make a website so difficult to find – or not by accident, anyway.

Ah – but perhaps it was no accident, but entirely intentional?  For our friend Mr David, in addition to being a Steiner School teacher, is also a notable expert on the Tarot, who has published books on the subject.  The world ‘occult’ means hidden – perhaps Mr David’s elusive website should be taken as an invitation to a journey of self-discovery in order to find him?

OK, I’ll stop being silly now, but in all seriousness, aspiring independents of the world – please, make your website easy to find.  You’re batting on a difficult enough wicket not having a group ticket to support you without making it virtually impossible for people to find out what you stand for.

And speaking of Group Tickets, let’s see what his fellow candidates think of Mr David.

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Meet the Independents: George NEOPHYTOU (Ungrouped, Southern Metropolitan)

George Neophytou is running in the Southern Metropolitan Region, and his slogan is

To make government keep its promises.

Nothing wrong with that.

And just to make sure you fully understand where he is coming from, here is Mr Neophytou’s candidate statement:

Why do people distrust politicians, it is because they are not always trustworthy. They make promises and do not keep them. It is time to make them keep their promises. That is why I am standing. Not for power. Not for glory. Just to make sure promises are kept.

I am a genuine Independent who is contesting a seat in the Legislative Council, Southern Metropolitan Region. I am not a member of any political party, past or present.

My kingdom for a proof reader who understands commas.

Mr Neophytou’s background is in law and marketing, and he is really, really into honesty and integrity. He wants us to know that he is self-funded in this campaign and has accepted no donations from anyone, and “believes there should be a higher caliber of person in political office. Apart from honesty and integrity elected Members should have the skills, commitment, professional acumen and common sense to hold office and the serve the community. Importantly, the reason for accepting office should be on the grounds of altruism and not self-interest.”

I always love it when common sense gets invoked on a political website. It’s an almost guaranteed indicator that you are on the right-wing side of the political spectrum.  I have no idea why this is – perhaps an idea that the left side of politics just likes to make things needlessly complicated and bureaucratic (common sense apparently being the opposite of bureaucracy)?

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Meet the Independents: Darren BAIN (Ungrouped, Northern Metropolitan)

I’ve had a rather depressing couple of days, and I can’t face Family First just yet, so I am declaring today Independents Day (see what I did there?)!  Let’s take a break from the established parties, and see what our Ungrouped Independents have to offer us…

Darren Bain is a hard man to pin down.  Running as an Ungrouped Independent in my very own Northern Metropolitan Region, he doesn’t seem to have a website, a FaceBook page, or any other clues to his identity.  It’s always fun to find a candidate with an absolutely minimalist web presence.

This report will therefore be short and a little bit stalker-ish, because basically all I know of Mr Bain is what I have found by matching the contact details he listed on the VEC website to his workplace and Linked In Profile.

All I therefore have to report is that Mr Bain is currently a Policy Advisor / Practice Specialist at Cure Consulting, and previously worked at the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency.  He describes himself on Linked In as:

Quality and Risk Advisor specialising in Human Resource performance and underperformance issues in Small and Medium sized Enterprises. Supporting management with policy systems and the implementation of new or revised procedures. Advising management on employee productivity and performance planning.

When I visit the Cure Consulting website that matches Mr Bain’s email address, it turns out to be a single page, with a quote from B.C. Forbes, a Scottish journalist and founder of Forbes, an American business magazine.

The quote is:

History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats.

And at the bottom of the page we have the company motto:

Cure Consulting:  Helping you turn obsticles into truimphs.

From which we may conclude that Mr Bain is not readily discouraged, and also that he needs a proof-reader for his website.  It’s not a bad motto, if perhaps a little bit ‘by-their-bootstraps’ in its intent, but I am constitutionally incapable of not noticing unfortunate spelling.

I’m guessing this is a new business and a new website, because there are not currently any contact details listed.

Darren Bain also had a letter in The Age yesterday telling us:

How to vote for an independent candidate

At the bottom right edge of the ballot paper for your region you will see the heading “Ungrouped”. Under it you will find the names of people running as “Independent Candidates”. You will need to follow the precise instructions for your vote to count. Unfortunately “Grouped” and “Ungrouped”/”Independent” candidates are not represented above the line – so a quick “1” in the box above the line eliminates these candidates from the race. Democracy takes effort and is imperfect, but if you value it,  please take the time to make your vote count. 

All good advice, as far as it goes.

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Meet the Small Parties: Democratic Labour Party

Brothers and sisters, it is now time for us to turn away from our sinful, sex-and-rock-n-roll-fuelled ways, repent of our unwholesome political ideas, and embrace a higher calling!  Or not, as the case may be.  Because, it is now time to take a look at that old Catholic, anti-Communist stalwart, the Democratic Labour Party.   Please note the ‘U’ in Labour.  Like Chekhov’s gun on the mantlepiece, it will be important later.

(Actually, the main thing I’m repenting is deciding to do this in alphabetical order – my blog dance card currently consists of the DLP, Family First, then the Liberal Democrats, and after that, the Libs and the Nationals.  It’s enough to make one give up dancing.  I think I might have to go review some independents in between, just for the sake of my sanity.)

The DLP’s website starts with the slogan “Putting YOU back into LaboUr.”  See what they did there?  According to my research, the U only came on board with the DLP in 2013, after a lengthy investigation into its suspected Communist leanings.  These suspicions were largely based on U’s refusal to be involved in such good, anti-communist, American spellings of words as ‘color’, ‘valor’ and ‘honor’, though it certainly didn’t help matters that U was at Cambridge in the 1930s and associated regularly with Arnold Deutsch, Antony Blunt, Donald Duart McLean and especially Guy Burgess  – though apparently not with Kim Philby.

(at least one statement in that paragraph is true)

(it’s the first half of the first sentence.  The rest is basically rubbish.)

The DLP, as one might expect from its Catholic and Anti-Communist origins, tends to be very socially conservative, but in that old-fashioned way that occasionally leads to really good policies on things like disability or aged care.  For the Victorian Election, they have seven rotating banners:

  • “I want to know my job is going to be secure” (DLP – creating and securing local jobs)
  • “I need that peace of mind with my kids.” (DLP – funded sports insurance for families).
  • “Helping my business now, when I need it.” (DLP – supporting manufacturing and local businesses)
  • “I want to help, not be hindered in my work” (DLP – freedom of conscience for medical practitioners, but evidently not the women they are treating)
  • “Caring for an older parent is never easy.” (DLP – Expanding palliative care services)
  • “I shouldn’t be treated like this, it’s not right” (DLP – protecting women and children in our society)
  • “I never expected to be in this position.” (DLP – harm minimisation for problem gamblers)

Look, if you know anything at all about Catholics and their pro-life stance, it’s fairly easy to see where a number of these banners are going.  Conscience clauses for medical and sometimes pharmaceutical professionals have long been a popular tactic with anti-choice groups, as, while they could, in theory, be about almost any sort of treatment, in practice they are generally used to allow doctors to refuse to perform abortions, prescribe (or fill prescriptions for) contraception, or provide palliative care that might shorten someone’s life (as distinct from euthanasia, which is not yet a legal issue in any case). In some particularly nasty cases, people have attempted to use conscience clauses to deny care to patients whose lifestyles the practitioners do not approve of (I’ll let you guess what kind of lifestyles we are talking about). While this has largely been an American thing, anti-choice groups in Australia are doing their level best to introduce similar laws here.

Don’t get me wrong – I don’t think people should be forced to perform medical procedures that are against their conscience.  Quite aside from the ethical issues, I’d be a little worried about the practical side of it – is something is against one’s conscience, one probably doesn’t do it very often, and may not be very well trained in it.  Neither of these things seems conducive to a good outcome.  But I do have an issue with the doctor’s conscience being privileged over the conscience (and potentially, the health) of the patient.  We live in a secular country, and the doctor can bloody well make a referral if they have to.

Expanding palliative care is another interesting policy.  With the voluntary euthanasia movement gaining momentum, the classic counter-argument is always better palliative care, so that people don’t *need* assisted suicide.  I suspect that’s where the DLP is coming from here.

I seem to be getting quite embroiled in policy, but before I really dive in, we really should take a look at the DLP’s group voting ticket.

The DLP’s ticket varies a bit between regions, but the bottom of their ticket is pretty consistently the Greens or the Sex Party.  The only exception to this is in the Southern Metropolitan Region, where two Liberal Candidates, David Davis and Georgie Crozier win the coveted bottom place on the ballot.  A little research shows that Davis and Crozier jointly tabled the report ‘Betrayal of Trust’, the result of the recent Enquiry Into the Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and Other Non-Government Organisations.

Not OK, DLP.  Not OK at all.  I can and do abhor your opinions on gay people, women, abortion and the like, while still accepting your sincerity in holding these opinions, but given that the Catholic Church has, absolutely and definitely, had an issue with child abuse, you don’t get to be ‘my Church, right or wrong’ and oppose an enquiry into this.  There can be no religious or ethical justification for this stance.  It’s just wrong.

Other frequent flyers at the bottom of the ticket are the Voluntary Euthanasia Party (no surprises there), the Rock’n’Roll Party, the Animal Justice Party, and the Cyclists.  I’m not quite sure what the cyclists did to alienate the DLP, but right now, I’m inclined to think they should do it again, with bells on.

At the top of the ticket, they pretty much preference a different party in each region, but the top five always include at least four of the Australian Christians, Rise Up Australia, Family First, Shooters and Fishers, the Country Alliance and People Power.  According to the DLP’s website, they signed a Public Assurance of Co-Operation with the Australian Christians and Rise Up Australia, which makes sense.

As for Labor and Liberal, the DLP generally prefers the Liberal Party, though occasionally they alternate between Liberal and Labor, and, as previously mentioned, some Liberal Party members get singled out for special treatment.  Weirdly, they seem to prefer the Liberal Democrats to either of the two major parties (I say weirdly not just because I find it weird that anyone could like the Liberal Democrats, but because Libertarianism and Catholicism don’t strike me as being closely related philosophies.  Then again, Libertarianism is a long way from Communism… are we still worrying about Communism?).

God. I’ve barely started and I’m already quite cross with this lot.  But let’s have a look at some policies, now, because they actually do have some that don’t make me grind my teeth.


Let’s start by looking at the DLP’s policy on Life, because to my mind, it informs most of the DLP’s other policies, both good and bad:

The DLP is unwavering in its support for the dignity of all people.

We support life from conception to natural death.

We look to what comprises and sustains the flourishing of all people.

Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater here.  There is some good stuff on this page, and to give the DLP credit, when they say they are pro-life, they actually do think beyond abortion and euthanasia.  They support universal healthcare, appropriate housing and shelter, and reconciliation, and they are opposed to exploitation of the poor, the weak and the vulnerable.

Their Health policies are thus pretty good – they want more funding for hospitals, particularly to train doctors and nurses and particularly in regional Australia.  They are very pro-Medicare.  And they are strongly in favour of informed consent for patients, and a patient’s right to accept or refuse treatment.

But they are also very much in favour of the religious liberty of hospitals, and the right of healthcare workers to conscientious objection.

I think I’ve already said enough about that, but I will note that, given their emphasis on informed consent and “access, equity and justice in the provision and allocation of health services”, how do you balance that with the right of a medical practitioner to conscientiously object to providing the service that a patient has consented to?  Patients have consciences too, after all.

On Disability, the DLP are also characteristically good – they want to strengthen the Disability Services Act, fund advocacy services, and make sure all care and support is person-centred.  They want mainstreaming and community-based care for people with disability, rather than institutional care, and they want to increase access to respite care, as well as invest in the manufacture and production of better disability aids.  And they are strongly in favour of the NDIS.  All good stuff.  They are also big on preventive mental health care, but particularly concerned about the links between mental illness and illicit drug use.

The DLP has some decent policies on education, particularly in terms of increasing Austudy and providing start-up scholarships at the beginning of the year to help with buying books and similar study aids.  They also want 30% of student amenity and services fees to go directly to student-run groups who provide student services, which I think is quite a good idea, as it allows young people to get experience at running things.  They are big on school vouchers, which I think is a pity, but not a surprise, and want to strengthen TAFE and other technical schools.

The DLP also includes asylum seekers among the people who need to be protected and not exploited, and favour on-shore processing as more compassionate and better for providing job opportunities for Australians.  They note that

The DLP realises that Australia only has limited influence in ending the circumstances forcing people to flee their homeland and seek asylum. We must increase our efforts overseas to do all we can to foster peace and stability in areas of conflict around the world. This requires international cooperation; Australia cannot do it alone.

They want closer co-operation with Indonesia, including an increase in intake of refugees who arrive in Indonesia:

There are thousands of people in Indonesia waiting for either a boat or one of the very few spots available in the UN resettlement program. Increasing our intake from Indonesia will give asylum seekers and refugees a good reason not to risk their lives on a boat to get to Australia.

See, if you want to stop the boats, this is a far more compassionate and logically-consistent way of doing it.

The DLP has a policy on Marriage and Family, and it’s nice to see that, while they are still against marriage equality, they have stopped ranting about the Evil Gays, so this is a big step forward from the frankly quite scary things they were saying a few years ago,  They want free pre-marriage counselling for couples, and Family Impact Statements for all legislation, and they would like to encourage formation of child-care co-ops.  They want marriage to be for life (obviously) and mutter about overhauling the Family Court System, but are not specific as to how.  The biggest alarm bell for me is where they support and promote “The rights of children, and the rights and duty of parents to discipline their children.”  I’m not a parent, and I don’t have a particular opinion about spanking, but I am aware that there are some very harsh and even abusive ideas about discipline out there.  I don’t think that’s a policy I’d want to put out where people could misinterpret it, basically.

Oh, and they express solidarity with the abused, which is nice, given that they clearly do not express solidarity with people reporting on institutional abuse.  Grr.

And here’s another good one:

The DLP rejects politically imposed multiculturalism. Instead, we believe in fostering a cosmopolitan community.

Indigenous Australians are entitled to natural justice in their claims for:

• Access and title to historically authenticated tribal areas

• Respect for their cultural heritage and traditions

• Protection of genuine sacred sites and artefacts

Regarding mining and development, Indigenous title should be subject to the same privileges, restrictions and compensation rights that apply to title possessed by non-Indigenous Australians.

The DLP believes in fostering one national identity, one national allegiance for our citizens and the national flag.

I mean, what do you even do with that?  There’s good stuff, there’s slightly racist stuff, and it’s all mixed together, inextricably.

Regional Australia

Just in passing, it’s nice to see how many parties have started noticing that regional Australia exists.  Good job there.  DLP has never been one of the problem parties in this respect, but I did want to mention this in general.

The DLP favours a fairly protectionist economic stance, banning imported orange juice concentrate (! strangely specific example!), and creating selective tariffs on other imports, to advantage Australian farmers.  They also want to decentralise population growth from cities to regional centres.  They also believe in everyone’s right to clean air and water, freedom from pollution and public access to places of natural beauty.  They want a national bushfire mitigation plan, including establishing refuge safe areas and tightening building regulations in fire-prone areas.

They are so-so on conservation and the environment:

As a general principle, whenever an area of native bush land is cleared for development, another equivalent area should be protected or created.  The need to protect native plants and natural beauty must be considered before any action taken toward development.

The DLP are also against coal seam mining – but they do view oil refining as a matter of national energy security.  They want to replace coal with Polywell Fusion, something I have never heard of.  I can’t make head or tail of what it is, so I’m just going to link you to their policy.

They finish by commenting that:

The country or organization first to achieve net power with Polywell will be able to supply the world with unimaginable opportunities for raising the living standards of any poor community at an affordable price.

Oh, DLP, why do you have to be so obnoxious when you actually have some really nice ideas underneath?

Economics and Foreign Affairs

The DLP doesn’t trust foreigners.  OK, that might not be fair, but they really do go on about making Australia self-reliant and they do not like foreign ownership (fair enough) or excessive imports.  And they don’t like treaties which might disadvantage Australian small business and farmers, which is fair enough.  They want to increase defense spending and encourage a volunteer gap-year ADF program.

The DLP has a lot of ideas about Indonesia, as our nearest neighbours.  On the one hand, “The Indonesian government should immediately allow United Nations Observers and international journalists into the West Papuan provinces,” with a view to independence and autonomy for West Papua – but they also stress the importance of friendly relations with Indonesia, and indeed, their entire refugee policy depends on this.  They also want to increase humanitarian and foreign aid in our region – but also support embargos on regimes guilty of human rights abuses.

On the economic side, the DLP is still excited about a Development Bank to provide a source of funding for infrastructure projects and decrease reliance on foreign markets for funding.  They support small business and are anti-bureaucracy.


The DLP does not trust foreign treaties, and they want Australians to be able to initiate referendums, which is kind of cool.  They also oppose compulsory identification cards as ‘anti-democratic surveillance’, and inform us that “A Bill of Rights is unacceptable, partly because it would render to un-elected judges the power to make final decisions on public and social policy.”

Someone has been listening to the Americans again…

And that’s about it.  What we have here, then, is a party that would probably describe its policies as ‘compassionate conservatism’.  I, personally, think that its conservatism overrides its compassion, though there are definitely some good policies in there.

But I’m afraid I really can’t forgive their opposition to the Betrayal of Trust report. While I do feel the Catholic Church has done many good things over the years, it is beyond question that they have handled the charges of child abuse extremely badly from start to finish, and the Church needs to acknowledge this.  Neither the Church nor the community is served by pretending that everything is fine and that people are just picking on them.

Meet the Small Parties: The Basics Rock ‘n’ Roll Party

Note: This is the second time that I have posted this article.  After writing the article the first time, I learned that I had mistakenly conflated The Basics Rock ‘n’ Roll Party with the Australian Rock ‘n’ Roll Party, so that in fact most of what I had written was inaccurate.  I apologise for the mistake, which is very embarrassing all round.  And I can assure you that I definitely have the right party now…

Before I start this commentary, can I just stop and say how incredibly disappointed I am that HEMP has chosen not to contest this election.  I mean, we have the Sex Party.  We have the Rock’n’Roll Party.  But where is the drugs party?

I think you will agree that this is a real missed opportunity in the Australian voting experience.

But I digress, as usual.  The Basics Rock ‘n’ Roll Party is a party so new that it just squeaked in ahead of the deadline a few weeks ago, and does not yet have an official website, other than the band website and their FaceBook page.  Band website, I hear you ask?  Well, yes.  The BRRP is a political party formed by the members of The Basics, an Australian band comprising Wally De Backer (Gotye) and Kris Schroeder and Tim Heath.  According to Wikipedia (because I am rubbish at pop culture), their style is either indie-pop, rock’n’roll, or pop rock, which I presume has nothing to do with pop rock sweets, and now I really want pop rocks (does anyone have some?).  I’m guessing they would define themselves as rock’n’roll.  Just a little hint in their party name, don’t you know…

Also, I understand that their most recent album, The Lucky Country, released just over a week ago, is very political.  So the good news is, any advertising campaign they run is likely to have better than average musical accompaniment.

(I am suddenly seized with an almost overwhelming urge to go find their album, listen to it, and see if I can discern anything about their policies from it.)

Let’s start by looking at their Group Voting Ticket.

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Simplified voting below the line

Just interrupting the seemingly endless flow of political parties with a couple of items that may be of interest to dedicated Legislative Council voters.

First, thanks to a new rule, if you vote below the line in this election, you only need to fill out your first five preferences for your vote to be considered formal (this is called Optional Preferential Voting).  Any numbers beyond that will still count, but if you are worried about losing track of your numbering, worry no more – just make sure you get the first five right, and then you can rest easy that your vote will be counted.

Do be aware that if you do only number your first five preferences below the line, there is a chance that your vote will become ‘exhausted’ – which is to say, if your favourite five candidates are all excluded from the count at some point, due to insufficient quotas, there will be nowhere for your preferences to go, and so your vote will be out of play at that point.  But this is still better than getting things mixed up and winding up with no vote at all.

Personally, I wish we had the option of numbering parties according to preference above the line, but we don’t, so please do not do that.  If you do, the party with a (1) next to its name will get your vote, and your preferences will then follow that party’s Group Voting Ticket.

And do be aware that if you number things both above and below the line, your below-the-line vote will be given priority over your above-the line vote.  So, provided your below-the-line vote is formal (i.e., has the first five numbers marked), this will be what is counted for you, not whatever you wrote above the line.  If your below-the-line vote isn’t formal, your above the line vote will be counted instead.  And yes, I know people who do both, just for the sake of insurance, though the VEC does not encourage this.

And finally, here’s a resource for those who feel that optional preferential voting is all very well, but we still like to vote our way down the entire list of candidates.  It’s called Cluey Voter, and allows you to first rank your parties in a general sort of order of preference, and then swap numbers around on the actual ballot paper.  If you press ‘check’ it will tell you if you have duplicated or missed out any numbers.  When you are done, you can print out your ticket, ready to take to your polling booth, so that you have a cheat sheet when you go to vote.  Please do not vote with the printout, as this is *not* a valid vote (do I even have to say that?).  The idea is that you can quickly copy numbers across and not worry about missing things.

PS – the alert among you will have noticed that my review of the Basics Rock ‘n’ Roll Party has disappeared.  This is because I screwed up in a big way, and confused them with a similarly-named party.  I will re-do this post tonight, and hopefully get to the DLP as well.  (I’m a bit sick this week, and it’s slowing me down)

Meet the Small Parties: Australian Sex Party

Ah, the Sex Party.  Always good for a giggle.  Always embarrassing to Google. Always impossible to write about without veering into innuendo.

I have mixed feelings about the Sex Party.  I want to like them.  For one thing, their ads are funny.  For another, well, everyone else on the left of politics seems to like them.  And yet… well, at least as of last time, I found I didn’t, quite.  They tend to be a little to libertarian for my taste, and perhaps the trouble is that for all my lefty, feminist ways, I’m actually fairly conservative in some areas.  Then again, they seem to re-invent themselves for every election.  Perhaps we will get on better this time?  (Get on, not get it on, come on, people!  If we don’t at least start with our minds out of the gutter, we are going to be plumbing positively subterranean depths of the sewers before we’re done here.  Speaking of dirty.)

The Sex Party has launched a whole new website for their Victorian campaign (I also do not recommend Googling ‘Victorian Sex Party’ any time soon), with the super-classy address wegiveafk.org.au .  This goes with their tagline: The Sex Party – We Give a F**k.

Right away, you know that nobody here is trying for good taste.  Which is nice, because it means you know where you stand.  They probably all Googled Victorian Sex Party, too.  Possibly in images.  (No, I haven’t done that, nor am I recommending it, and if you do, the results are on your own head.)

Their front page makes the following bold announcement:


We’re asking you, the voters, to decide a policy we run on. Why? Because, we realise that your vote is the most simple, yet powerful way to ensure your voice for change in Victoria is heard. So, we’ve put together three ideas for change, that would have an impact on Victoria. Vote daily for the change you want to see, when you vote the Australian Sex Party into the Upper House on November 29th. The winning policy will become an issue we raise in the Legislative Council in the first 100 days, all thanks to you. Read more about our other Victoria Policies.

I have to say, this is a very interesting tactic. Quite aside from the entertainment value, it sends the message that this is a party that wants to listen to its constituents.  Very canny, especially in the current climate, where one all too frequently feels that none of the politicians are listening to anyone.

The three proposed policies are 3-hour tickets on public transport, bicycle helmet freedom, and motorcycle filtering in traffic, and yes, I voted – for the three hour tickets.  Anyone who thinks that driving on the roads in Melbourne without a helmet is a good idea is misguided (there are some interesting discussions going on about whether bicycle helmets actually make people safer.  So far as I can see, they don’t necessarily make you safer from accidents – people may take more risks when wearing them – but they mitigate the damage when you do crash.  The best way to make people safe on bicycles is better roads and better driver education.  Sorry, I seem to be obsessed with bicycles this election.  Has anyone guessed my secret favourite one-issue party yet?), and I have no opinion about motorbikes, but I was not happy when Myki went to 2 hour tickets.  I want my three-hour ticket back!

That was fun, wasn’t it?  I have to give it to the Sex Party (I can’t believe I just wrote that), they understand marketing.  Possibly because sex sells.  (You saw that coming, didn’t you?)

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Meet the (somewhat) Small Parties: The Australian Greens

So, we’ve talked with the animals, found religion, had a nice walk amble through the country and then hopped on our bicycles to commute into the city.  But it’s time to leave these lovely little by-ways and venture into more well-travelled territory with the Australian Greens.

I’ll confess, I always have mixed feelings when I get to my review of the Greens.  On the one hand, I do like their policies.  I like them so much that I generally wind up volunteering to scrutineer and hand out how to vote cards for them.  But on the other hand, they really do have a lot of policies and when one is reading and analysing the policies of twenty-one parties, three sets of grouped independents and nine ungrouped independents, it has to be said that one begins to hanker for the simplicity of a single-issue party, no matter how unlikely it is to ever be elected…

The Victorian corner of the Greens website (which is where I will be focusing my attention) has three rotating banners – ‘Meet the candidates’, ‘Get involved’ banner, and ‘Our initiatives: smart ways we’ll tackle the big issues’.  Across the top of the page, you have the option of  Issues, Candidates, Events, Join, Volunteer and Donate.   At the foot of the page, you have Events, Issues, Volunteer and Donate.  There’s no doubt about it – the Greens are all about Audience Participation.  Well, I imagine they call it grassroots community involvement, but there is a very definite pull to get people involved.

Let’s have a look at their Group Voting Tickets.  Incidentally, as a scrutineer who has in the past been asked to see where preferences are flowing, I can tell you that Group Voting Tickets are probably less useful for the Greens than for just about any other party – we Green Voters do seem to love voting below the line, just as we follow our own merry paths down the Lower House ballot papers, regardless of what we are told to vote.

While there is a little variation in some seats, the Greens are generally preferencing the Animal Justice Party followed by the Cyclists, with the Voluntary Euthanasia, Sex Party and Voice for the West also appearing in the top five.  Labor is generally found in the upper half of the ticket, and always well ahead of the Liberal Party.  At the bottom of every ticket, we find Family First, the DLP, the Shooters and Fishers, the Country Alliance, the Australian Christians, and last of all, Rise Up Australia.  The only times this changes is when one of those countries isn’t running a candidate, or when there is a particularly dislikeable Independent around.

It’s a fairly consistent left to right ticket, politically-speaking.  Though I think the Sex Party may be further to the right than the Greens think they are.

And over to Initiatives, which is what we are calling policies today.  (I can’t help noting that they started off calling the policies ‘Issues’, but I’m guessing they changed the name because they didn’t want smartypants voters like me commenting on the fact that the Greens have lots and lots of issues…)  The Greens have 48 Victorian State Initiatives, and I feel tired already.  I’m going to group sets of related policies, and only go into detail on the ones that seem particularly interesting.

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Meet the Small Parties: Animal Justice Party

The Animal Justice Party (AJP) is a relatively new party on the electoral scene.  It first appeared on Victorian ballot papers in the 2012 Federal Election, when they distinguished themselves by putting the Greens only slightly above the shooting and fishing parties on their Group Voting Ticket.  While the Greens have traditionally been the party of environmentalists, the AJP evidently felt that they did not go far enough.

So, how have they developed since then?  Here’s an extract from their charter, :

The Animal Justice Party has been formed as a response to growing public concern about the neglect of animals and animal protection issues by political parties. It will give a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves. […] There is a need for laws and processes which recognise animals’ needs and capabilities and which protect their interests, whether they are domestic, farmed or wild…

Our treatment of animals and the environments we share with them are often marred by a lack of understanding, leading to disrespect and cruelty. At a time when the planet’s environment is being challenged on so many fronts, we must urgently act to ensure that all animals that both contribute to and depend on it are respected and valued for their intrinsic and fundamental roles.  We need to build a new relationship with the planet that is inclusive of all of its inhabitants. With a fresh approach towards animals and the ecological systems of Earth, humans can create more rewarding and ethical communities and relationships built on deeper understandings and firm principles of justice.

The Animal Justice Party seeks a restoration of the balance between the human, natural and animal worlds which acknowledges the interconnectedness and inter-dependence of these worlds, and respects the wellbeing of animals alongside that of humans, societies, economies and environments.

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