Politics, Poetry and Reviews

Tag: animal justice party

Federal Election 2019: Meet the Animal Justice Party


Website: https://animaljusticeparty.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnimalJusticePartyAJP/
Vote for the Animals
Kindness. Equality. Rationality. Non-Violence.
Themes: Animal rights, fighting animal cruelty, and giving animals a voice in Parliament.  They would really like everyone to be vegan.
Upper House: NSW, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
Lower House: ~ 50 electorates in NSW, QLD, SA and VIC
Preferences: They have put the Greens second in VIC, SA and TAS, third in WA, and fifth in QLD.  Sustainable Australia is second in QLD, and appears in the top six on most of their how to votes.  Health Australia is second in WA and in their top six in Victoria.  Other parties they like include the ALP ,   the Socialist Alliance, the Pirate Party, Hinch’s Justice Party (not surprising, as he is quite vocal on animal welfare), and Independents for Climate Action Now.

Overall, then, they are preferencing generally left-wing and pro-environment policies, but they are not afraid to embrace a bit of hippy whackiness from the Health Australia folk.

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Victorian State Election 2018 – Meet the Animal Justice Party!

I don’t have time to read all of this!
The Basics

AJPWebsite: https://www.ajpvic.org.au/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ajpvic/

Themes: A voice for animals in politics, and the party for people who think that the Greens don’t go far enough on animal welfare.  Left, slightly lunar.  Veganism can fix all the world’s problems.

With friends like these…
The Group Voting Ticket

The AJP has different voting tickets in each region, but there are some common themes.  At the top of the ticket, you either get the Aussie Battlers, Sustainable Australia, or Health Australia.  Fiona Patten’s Reason Party, The Voluntary Euthanasia Party, and Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party usually come next, and either Transport Matters or the Victorian Socialists will also be in the top five.

After all the left-leaning parties, they generally put the Greens somewhere around 21 on the ticket, directly followed by Labor, the DLP and the Liberal/National Parties.

The last four slots on the ticket are always the Liberal Democratic Party, the Australian Country Party, the Australian Liberty Alliance, and the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers, in that order. If there are independents, they usually fall somewhere between the ALA and the Shooters and Fishers, regardless of their actual political views – I’m guessing the AJP didn’t have the time or inclination to do the research on them.

Basically, this is the portrait of a decidedly left-leaning party that really doesn’t like guns.  Nobody is surprised by this.  They don’t seem to hate the Greens as much as they used to, but putting them directly before the other major parties sends a clear message – you sold out.

The Body Politic
Policies, Snark, Terrible Theme Songs and Other Observations

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Meet the Small Parties: Animal Justice Party

The Animal Justice Party (AJP) is a relatively new party on the electoral scene.  It first appeared on Victorian ballot papers in the 2012 Federal Election, when they distinguished themselves by putting the Greens only slightly above the shooting and fishing parties on their Group Voting Ticket.  While the Greens have traditionally been the party of environmentalists, the AJP evidently felt that they did not go far enough.

So, how have they developed since then?  Here’s an extract from their charter, :

The Animal Justice Party has been formed as a response to growing public concern about the neglect of animals and animal protection issues by political parties. It will give a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves. […] There is a need for laws and processes which recognise animals’ needs and capabilities and which protect their interests, whether they are domestic, farmed or wild…

Our treatment of animals and the environments we share with them are often marred by a lack of understanding, leading to disrespect and cruelty. At a time when the planet’s environment is being challenged on so many fronts, we must urgently act to ensure that all animals that both contribute to and depend on it are respected and valued for their intrinsic and fundamental roles.  We need to build a new relationship with the planet that is inclusive of all of its inhabitants. With a fresh approach towards animals and the ecological systems of Earth, humans can create more rewarding and ethical communities and relationships built on deeper understandings and firm principles of justice.

The Animal Justice Party seeks a restoration of the balance between the human, natural and animal worlds which acknowledges the interconnectedness and inter-dependence of these worlds, and respects the wellbeing of animals alongside that of humans, societies, economies and environments.

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Victorian Senate Group Y: In which we talk for the Animals

I have to admit, I’ve been looking forward to the Animal Justice Party with rather mixed feelings.  On the one hand, given that I am a part-time vegetarian, and a food blogger with a strong interest in ethical eating and vegan food, it’s kind of fun seeing a party that, on the face of it, seems to be very pro-vegetarian.  On the other hand, I also look after medical researchers for a living, and I’m betting that Animal Justice won’t be keen on using experimental mouse models.  I’m also a little worried that they are going to fall into what I think of as the ‘fundamentalist vegan’ camp, and I feel uncomfortable around fundamentalists of any stripe…

Then again, I’ve been sitting here, quietly bemoaning the insufficiency of loony left parties in this election so far.  One’s election experience can never be truly complete without at least one party that makes you want to say “Please stop being on my side.  You are making my side look like it is totally crazy…”  Who knows?  The Animal Justice Party could be quite a boon on that count.

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