Politics, Poetry and Reviews

Tag: australian politics (Page 2 of 17)

Voting in Wills – Candidates, Policies, and hey, are we a marginal seat now?

I feel like Wills has entered a new era in the last few years.

We’ve been a safe Labor seat since forever (setting aside that little lapse with Phil Cleary), and have been entirely ignored by both major parties, but in the last couple of elections, the Green vote has been creeping up, and I must say, it has borne dividends.  We got a new local member from the progressive side of Labor, we are suddenly being noticed in infrastructure planning, and in the last two weeks, I’ve been door-knocked by volunteers both for the Greens and for the Victorian Socialists. (The Greens volunteer seemed a little appalled by my interest in politics when we met at the tram stop and even more appalled when he knocked on a door that evening and yes, it was me again; the Socialist volunteer was absolutely lovely, and persuaded us to put up signage for Sue Bolton… and then nobody ever came back to us to deliver it, which is just such a classic Socialist Alliance way to behave – great ideas, no follow through.  Though having said that, Sue has been an excellent local council member.)

On Tuesday night I even got a phone call from my local Labor member, Peter Khalil. He is certainly working hard for my vote – the phone call lasted nearly half an hour, and ranged from climate policy and getting refugees off Nauru and Manus Island, to the need to raise pensions and fix the NDIS, the restoration of penalty rates, and solidarity with workers. He had a lot of good answers, was hardly rude about the Greens at all (!), and was actively positive about Sue Bolton… admittedly, she is also not much of a threat to him, but it was clearly important that she is solidly working class and unionish, unlike those suspiciously middle-class and thus untrustworthy Greens.  (I refrained from mentioning my own suspiciously middle-class background.  I suspect he guessed about my Greens-voting habits nonetheless.).

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The One and Only Cate Speaks Microparty Policy Fantasy League!

I have frequently noted that almost every small party – even the otherwise loathesome ones! – has one policy worth reading about.  Sometimes, you have to look really hard to find it, because it is buried in a sea of horror and revulsion, but that only makes it the more beautiful when you find it.

So this election, as a special treat, I thought it might be fun to make a collection of the policies that our smaller, weirder parties have come up with that stand out from the crowd. A Microparty Fantasy League, if you will.  Now, it should be noted that there are some parties on this list who I wouldn’t trust to legislate their way out of a paper sack, and who definitely shouldn’t be put in charge of policy on anything resembling a regular basis.  And it should also be noted that this in no way constitutes a complete policy platform.  But I think you will agree that there are, in fact, some unexpectedly good ideas on this list.

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Making your Mind Up! The Cate Speaks Summary / Voter Guide

Once again, my final set of voting preferences still requires a bit of tweaking, but I have grouped the parties into eleven categories, to help figure out where to put people on the ballot.  Why eleven categories?  Because that way I can give my favourite parties ‘Douze points’ and award the gun-totin’ racists ‘Nul points’ in best Eurovision style.  Also, it turns out that I do have eleven distinct categories, so there you go.

I’m not really ranking parties within categories – I mean, yes, based on how I feel about them right at this moment, I’ve put my preferred options at the top of each category, but I often make slight changes to my final rankings at the ballot box.  And some of those parties are ones I don’t have the option to vote for anyway.  Besides, I feel it’s good to preserve some minor level of mystique about my actual vote…

Finally, before you start reading this, allow me to draw to your attention the Senate Voting Card Creator website.  This excellent website allows you to list your parties and then your candidates in your order of preference, and then generates a printer-friendly list, so that you can easily see which numbers will go into which box when you vote below the line, and don’t risk missing a number somewhere.  I was very sad when Below the Line closed down, and am delighted to see that this website has now replaced it.

NB: I’ve noted the Group next to parties running in Victoria.  For parties running only outside Victoria, I’ve noted where they are running.

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Federal Election 2019: Meet the Science Party!


Website: https://www.scienceparty.org.au/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SciencePartyAus/
Previous name:
Future Party
Principles. Evidence. Progress.
Themes: Science, technology, innovation.  Generally progressive policies, extremely ambitious climate change plan, good on equality, excited about space, driverless cars and building a charter city called Turing.
Upper House: NSW
Lower House: Berowra, Grayndler, Kingsford Smith, Mallee, Perth Sydney, Watson
Preferences: The Science Party is standing only in NSW, and I haven’t found their Lower House tickets yet. In the Senate, they are preferencing the Australian Democrats, Animal Justice, Independents for Climate Action Now, the Greens, and Labor.  So a fairly standard left/progressive ticket, with a strong leaning towards climate change policy.
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Federal Election 2019: Meet the Jacqui Lambie Network


Website: https://www.lambienetwork.com.au/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jacquilambienetwork/
Previous names: None, unless you count the fact that Jacqui was one of the original Palmer United Senators back in the day.
Every Tasmanian, Every Day.
Themes: Looking after soldiers and veterans, higher wages for teachers, hydroelectricity, putting Australia first, more jobs, looking after seniors.  Nothing on climate change, not great on LGBTQIA stuff, and a wee bit xenophobic.
Upper House: TAS
Preferences: The Lambie Network is giving no hints as to their preferences, but they do have a fairly delightfully-worded how to vote card:

Write the number ‘1’ in the box above ‘Jacqui Lambie Network’ column ABOVE THE LINE.  Then write the numbers 2-6 in the boxes ABOVE THE LINE for the parties of your choice.  It is VERY IMPORTANT that you number at least SIX boxes, or your vote won’t count.

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Federal Election 2019: Meet the Australian Progressives


Website: www.progressives.org.au
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AusProgressive/
Ethics. Empathy. Equality. Evidence. Engagement. Empowerment.
We believe Australia’s best days are ahead of us.
Themes: Being progressive!   Looking after people so that they can achieve their potential, action on climate change, equality and ending systemic discrimination.  Absolutely brilliant statement on the purpose of taxation, for which I will forgive much.
Lower House: Bean, Canberra, Fenner, Longman, Sturt
Preferences: None provided.  How to vote cards are just too regressive…
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Federal Election 2019: Meet the Centre Alliance


Website: https://centrealliance.org.au
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/centrealliance/
Previous names: Nick Xenophon Team, SA-BEST (sort of – it’s kind of the local branch)
Making sure South Australia always comes first.
Themes: South Australia.  Common sense and the sensible centre.  Quite a reasonable mix of actually centrist policies.  Mild action on climate change, pro-penalty rates but also pro-small business, offshore processing of refugees, but with much more oversight and make it more efficient and increase our intake.  You could do far worse.
Upper House: SA
Lower House: Barker, Grey, Mayo
Preferences: Once again, we are given no hint of the Centre Alliance’s true leanings.  They advise voters to put them first and ‘Now place at least the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in your preferred order for remaining parties or groups.  If you choose, you may continue numbering other groups in your order of choice.’
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Federal Election 2019: Meet the Australian Christians


Website: https://australianchristians.com.au/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AustralianChristians/
Previous names: None, but they are kind of an offspring of the CDP, and their Victorian branch has merged into the Australian Conservatives.
A political voice for Christian Values
When you believe in freedom and family, you vote 1 for Australian Christians
Themes: Christian right, though not quite as far right as some.  Climate change isn’t real.  Family is important.  Right wing economic policy and small government, particularly when it comes to welfare.
Upper House: WA
Lower House: Brand, Burt, Canning, Cowan, Curtin, Fremantle, Hasluck, Moore, O’Connor, Pearce, Stirling, Swan, Tangney
Preferences: In the Upper House, the AC unsurprisingly favour the Australian Conservatives, followed by the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers, the Liberals, the Nationals, One Nation and Palmer United.  Your basic right wing selection, with a little frisson of racism and the right to bear arms.

In the Lower House, they always put the Greens last and Labor second last, with One Nation generally scoring third billing after the Liberals or the Nationals.  Sometimes the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers score better than One Nation.  And apparently, they find Fraser Anning’s party less distressing than the Greens, Labor, Animal Justice or the Socialist Alliance, which tells you something unpleasant about their priorities.

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Federal Election 2019: Meet the Seniors United Party of Australia


Website: https://www.supa.org.au/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SeniorsUnitedAustralia/
Previous Names:
Seniors United NSW
Recently merged with the Pensioners, Veterans & Seniors Party
Making Australia a better place for those coming after us.
Themes: Better healthcare, housing, employment and income for seniors.  The rest of us get nothing.
Upper House: NSW
Preferences: None – they simply advise voters to put them first and number 5 other parties in an order of their choice
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Federal Election 2019: Meet Ken Betts


Website: https://www.kennethbetts.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008014699300
Truly Independent Pensioner
Your Voice for Victoria
Themes: Representing the voices of youth and of pensioners.  Volunteers with migrant groups, good on refugees.  Very community minded!  Believes in ‘Traditional Aussie Family Values’.
Upper House: VIC (Ungrouped Independent)
Preferences: Not indicated.

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