Politics, Poetry and Reviews

Tag: australian shooters and fishers party

Meet the Small Parties: Shooters and Fishers Party

The Shooters & Fishers Party is here to protect your freedoms and he future of outdoor sports.  Their website is rather NSW-centric  – they have a lot of information about the NSW election in 2015, including specific policies, but nothing whatsoever for the Victorian election.  I am not feeling the love, here.  The S&F does, however, have a FaceBook page for their Victorian branch, which they are mostly using to introduce their members, and to tell us how to vote.  I’ll be looking at their Federal Policies, or at least those that are relevant to Victoria, but in one sense, it doesn’t matter too much.  The Shooters and Fishers are precisely what it says on the box – a party for people who like hunting, fishing and outdoor sports:

S&F is the voice of hunters, shooters, fishers, rural and regional Australia and independent thinking Australians everywhere. Advocating for the politically incorrect, a voice of reason, science and conservation.  S&F is about sustainable utilisation of Australia’s resources. Conservative in family values, we honour and value the family unit as the basic building block of our society. We believe in a fair go for all, but not at the expense of others.  S&F respects and honours our democratic traditions and those in our history who fought and died for us so that we may enjoy the freedoms that we now have. S&F believes in a multicultural society, committed to Australian values above all others.

I love ‘independent thinking Australians everywhere’.  S&F have clearly not been taken in by those leftist-controlled Universities, no, not them!  I’m also quite partial to the bit about advocating for the politically-incorrect.  The right to offend people is such an important one…

Seriously, though, with this statement, S&F places itself very firmly on the conservative, right-wing end of the political system.  It has it all – family values, respect for the military, and multiculturalism, provided you are a good Aussie about it.  You know where you stand with this lot.

On their front page, S&F has a rotating header, which really is about NSW, but is still indicative of their priorities.  The three banners are: “Safeguarding the environment – simply locking up the landscape isn’t enough.  Biodiversity conservation demands a new fresh approach”, “Society and service delivery – city-centric government has neglected regional NSW and those who love the outdoors for too long”, and “Fair recreational access – we’ll fight for greater access to all public land and waters in NSW”.

So we have another party that very much aligns itself with rural Australia.  It’s a pity they have forgotten about Victoria – such a missed opportunity to join in the general courtship of Gippsland…

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Politics: Australian Election – Meet the Australian Shooters and Fishers Party

For some reason I want to write this entire post in ArrrrrrPirate speech, me hearties! Which is inappropriate, because there is nothing amusing about the Australian Shooters and Fishers Party.

Where do I even start?

They like guns. And fishing. And they don’t want any of those hippie peacenik enviro-fascist types getting in the way of their fun.

Their Senate ticket is pretty much what you’d expect. Right wing parties up top and Greens dead last, though they have cherry-picked their way through the major parties and put everyone in the order they prefer. Stephen Conroy, for example, is the only ALP member to make their top ten. He’s in the rather unfortunate company of the Christian Democratic Party, one Family Firster, some Liberals and one of the DLP chaps. Actually, preferences are alternating a bit between Labor and Liberal, so it’s a bit hard to know where they will go in the end. If I got my preferences from this lot, though, I wouldn’t be admitting it.

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