Moving along the ticket we find ourselves back in right-wing Christian land, albeit in a somewhat calmer and less racist incarnation. Yes indeed, it’s time to meet Family First! Incidentally, what’s with all the right-wing Christian political parties on the ballot this year? I count four, and that’s just based on the ones I recognise – there may be more hidden in small parties I haven’t read up on yet. As a left-wing Christian I find this rather disheartening…
(but for heavens’ sake, let’s not start another, left-wing Christian party to the mix. Religion doesn’t belong in politics, to my mind… and in some ways, that could be a summary of this entire post, but I digress)
It is worth noting that while one cannot strictly do a donkey vote of the senate above the line (if you do number all the groups above the line in order, the AEC will simply ignore all the numbers other than 1, and your vote will follow that party’s ticket), anyone who decided, for some obscure reason, to donkey vote below the line would be likely to have their vote end up either at the Liberal Party or here with Family First – between the two, there are unlikely to be many fractions left after that point. So donkeyish voting in the senate will be electing someone from the right wing of politics.
Also, a quick disclaimer – I currently have a horrible lurgy and am doped up to the gills on Codral, so this post may be sillier than usual, and while I will do my best to avoid typos, there may be some transposed words, so apologies in advance for any errors – feel free to point out corrections in the comments.
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