Continuing our theme of high profile independents who recently started their own parties, it’s time to investigate John Madigan’s Manufacturing and Farming Party!  John Madigan was originally elected as a member of the Democratic Labour Party, who, for those of you who have just tuned in, is the super-Catholic/anti-communist branch of the Australian Labor Party.  He quit the party in 2014, blaming a ‘cancer of political intrigue’, while the DLP angrily demanded he give back his seat and pointed to the extraordinarily high staff turnover and levels of stress leave in his office.

Having served as an independent, Madigan has now founded his own party, which is all about “Practical politics, putting people first”.

We believe it’s time that Australia acknowledges our farmers and our manufacturers as the foundation of our economy.  Without our farmers and manufacturers and workers, no other economic activity is possible. This is a party to unite all Australians behind that which has and will continue to make this country great. This is a party to encourage debate about manufacturing and farming, and to encourage better support for these two vital sectors of our economy. Additionally we stand for honesty in politics – and a fair go. People matter. Communities matter. The question is not can we afford to buy Australian-made, but can we afford not to?

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