I think today is going to be my day for small parties headed by high profile independents, which means that it’s time for everyone’s favourite monkey-pyjama-wearing pollie, Nick Xenophon and his Team.

The Nick Xenophon Team has a hugely annoying website.  Sorry, Nick.  It’s pretty, but it’s driving me bonkers, it really is.  (It works, but it’s a pain to navigate.  Maybe I’m too old-fashioned?) We are told that the NXT is “A common sense, fair alternative”.

For us, it’s all about looking at issues on their merits and working out the best outcome for everyone. Politics should never just be about left or right, it should always be about right or wrong.

NXT stands for honest and responsible government and the national interest, and their core focii are predatory gambling, Australian Made and Australian Jobs, and Government and Corporate Accountability.  One could do much worse.  Unlike the JLN, NXT does think of itself as a party who will vote together on issues.  They are not directing preferences and are not trying to form government, they are simply trying to increase the number of voices in the Senate that support their policies.  The policies themselves are laid out quite nicely – they provide a guiding principle, and then a few examples of how the policy would work.

Let’s see what these policies are, then…

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