Politics, Poetry and Reviews

Tag: senate (Page 3 of 4)

Western Australian Senate Election 2014

Normally, I wouldn’t cover an election I can’t vote in.  This is not because I don’t love my interstate friends as much as my local ones, it’s a simple matter of time.  With so many political parties to read about at every election, and so many policies for each party (I must confess to a sneaking appreciation for single-issue parties – so quick to read and write about!), there just isn’t time to cover everyone else’s elections, too.  Arguably, between full-time work, part-time study, and far more time-consuming hobbies than any sane person should have, there isn’t time to cover my own elections.

However, this election is a bit special.  For one thing, it’s essentially the sequel to the 2013 Election (Senate Election Part 2: Attack of the Drones).  Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that it is, in fact, a continuation of the same event.  The extra, final chapter that the author directed to be read only three years after her death.  The Secret of Hanging Parliament, as it were.  And boy, am I betraying my age as a child of the 80s…

The other interesting thing about this election, of course, is that because it’s part of the Federal Election, its results are going to effect everyone in Australia in a way that your standard election interstate would never do.  Which is kind of fascinating and appalling.  You have the power, my Western friends.  Use it wisely!  And to make it more fun, the Western Australian electorate gets to vote after they’ve already seen what the new government is doing.  There is a sort of surreal aptness to this.  I’ve heard friends from WA complain about the fact that, due to timezone differences, they can still be casting their ballots at a point when votes from the Eastern States have already decided the election.

Well, Western Australia, here’s where you get your own back!  We Easterners may have thought that we had decided the election, but it turns out that you get the final say after all.  And maybe, just maybe, you will change the entire face of politics in Australia for the next three years.  Which is a pretty cool superpower to have, really.

Anyway, in honour of this unique situation, I am going to undertake a more modest version of my usual tiny party policy-reading madness.  Looking at the Western Australian ballot, I can see thirty-three groups, plus two un-grouped Independents.  Most of these parties, of course, contested the Federal Senate Election last year, and had representatives in Victoria.  Given that it’s only been about six months, I’m not going to analyse all these parties again.  I can’t – I’m in the final throes of rehearsal for a big concert next weekend and will be out rehearsing virtually every night next week.

Instead, I will list all the parties who contested the last election below, with links to my commentaries on them, and will write new posts about the six parties and two independents that were not on the Victorian Senate ticket last year (new parties bolded).  If I have time, I will try to go back and quickly analyse group voting tickets for this election, to see if anything has changed, but honestly, I think that’s pretty unlikely to happen.  Not enough hours in the day.

Good luck, Western Australians – read up on your exciting smorgasbord of political parties, and use your vote wisely!  Australia is watching you…

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Our New Senate

This is obviously not set in stone yet, but putting together what the ABC website is predicting with the list of current senators who will be staying around until 2017, and always assuming that I’m adding everything up correctly, the picture looks like this:

33 Coalition

25 Labor

10 Green

2 Palmer

1 Democratic Labor Party

1 Family First

1 Liberal Democratic Party (oh, NSW, what were you thinking?)

1 Australian Motor Enthusiasts Party (oh, Victoria…)

1 Australian Sports Party (this would be WA’s contribution to the madness)

1 Independent (Nick Xenophon of South Australia, possibly the only state that hasn’t gone off its head this time around)

Good grief.

I need to take a few days off from politics, on the grounds that I do actually have a life outside this blog (even if I have forgotten what it is), but I’ll be back once the Senate is settled to take a closer look at the newer, madder parties joining us in the Senate.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, if you can…

Victorian Senate Group G: Putting the Family First

Moving along the ticket we find ourselves back in right-wing Christian land, albeit in a somewhat calmer and less racist incarnation.  Yes indeed, it’s time to meet Family First! Incidentally, what’s with all the right-wing Christian political parties on the ballot this year?  I count four, and that’s just based on the ones I recognise – there may be more hidden in small parties I haven’t read up on yet.  As a left-wing Christian I find this rather disheartening…

(but for heavens’ sake, let’s not start another, left-wing Christian party to the mix.  Religion doesn’t belong in politics, to my mind… and in some ways, that could be a summary of this entire post, but I digress)

It is worth noting that while one cannot strictly do a donkey vote of the senate above the line (if you do number all the groups above the line in order, the AEC will simply ignore all the numbers other than 1, and your vote will follow that party’s ticket), anyone who decided, for some obscure reason, to donkey vote below the line would be likely to have their vote end up either at the Liberal Party or here with Family First – between the two, there are unlikely to be many fractions left after that point.  So donkeyish voting in the senate will be electing someone from the right wing of politics.

Also, a quick disclaimer – I currently have a horrible lurgy and am doped up to the gills on Codral, so this post may be sillier than usual, and while I will do my best to avoid typos, there may be some transposed words, so apologies in advance for any errors – feel free to point out corrections in the comments.

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Victorian Senate Group F: Help End Marijuana Prohibition – the party with the acronym that speaks for itself

Oh, I like this party already.  It’s not so much that I care one way or another about Marijuana – I do think it’s a bit silly to criminalise it, but I’ve never been especially interested in it myself – but you have to love a party that was clearly founded by people who were going, hey, we want to legalise marijuana, so what should we call our political party? I know, let’s call it HEMP!  Now, what can we make that actually stand for…

Acronyms.  Just say no.

The other thing that I love about this party is that it is a ‘genuine grassroots party’.  Grass.  Get it?

Yeah, I’m easily amused. And this, incidentally, is exactly why I don’t have any interest in drugs – I’m silly enough without any chemical aids.

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Victorian Senate Group E: Liberals / Nationals in Brief

Next up on the ticket is the Coalition, comprising the  Liberal Party and the Nationals.

After some consideration, I am electing not to write a full post about the Coalition.  My reason for this is simple: most people are aware of exactly who the Coalition is, and far more knowledgeable people than I are analysing their policies in newspapers, in blogs, and on the television.  And, frankly, both the Coalition and Labor get an entire series of debates in which to tell us about their policies.  It’s not difficult to find information about them (though I will say, past experience has taught me that the Liberal Party are really quite thorough about hiding their policies on their website).

The purpose of this series is to assist people in figuring out who all the tiny parties are.  You don’t need me to tell you what I think of the Coalition’s policy.  In fact, you probably don’t want me to.

On the same principle, I will also not be writing a full post about the Labor Party when I reach them.  Fair is fair.  If I find myself with too much time on my hands before the election I may come back and have another pass at this (especially for the Nationals, who really don’t get their share of coverage), but for now, I’m just going to briefly discuss the Coalition’s senate ticket and then move on.  (I think we all know that HEMP is going to be far more entertaining anyway…).

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Victorian Senate Group D: Senator Online, and probably Tweeting during Question Time

Senator Online bills itself as ‘Australia’s New and National Online Political Party’, and adds “I care about our future.  Now I can vote directly on laws that affect us.”

We’ll get to that bit later, but in the meantime, I have to share with you my joy about their Senate ticket.  Remember how I was speculating on how far down the ticket one could get without hitting a major party?  Well, it seems that Senator Online was wondering that, too, because their ticket wanders merrily through a list of tiny and slightly mad parties, leaning somewhat to the right but starting with the Bullet Train for Australia and the Animal Justice Party (both of which this perverse blogger is looking forward to *immensely*, it must be confessed), before finally reaching the Greens at 82 on the ballot paper (a mere 9 places after ‘Stop the Greens’, which suggests an ironic sense of humour), then moving on to Labour, Liberal and the Nationals last.

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Victorian Senate Group C: One Nation Under Hanson

Working my way across the ballot, who should I find next but One Nation, possibly Australia’s most infamous political party of all time.  I’m amused to note that the Rabid Right seems to be lined up at the extreme left of the ticket, while the Loony Left seems to be more concentrated at the right hand end, but I digress.

And now I shall digress some more to express my deep disappointment that One Nation finally got a proper web designer, because their old site was *adorable* in an early-1990s, bright red text on a yellowish background sort of way.  I suppose I shall just have to find some other way to entertain myself.

One Nation informs me that it is “The Voice of the People”.  I find this very promising, because I am a person and I also have a voice, so clearly we shall get along well!

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Victorian Senate Group B: The LDP – not so much Liberal as Libertarian

I have to admit to a certain trepidation in writing up this party.  My first encounter with the Liberal Democratic Party was three years ago, when I was reading up on all the small parties for the 2010 election, and I had to stop part way through my analysis of their policies because I was getting so angry and upset about their views on healthcare that Andrew started to worry about my blood pressure.  Which is a little ironic, really.

So, thinking of calm blue oceans, let us enter the libertarian paradise that is the Liberal Democratic Party website.

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Victorian Senate Group A: In Which Australia Rises Up

Starting from the left hand side of the paper tablecloth that we like to call a Senate Ballot paper, we have the Rise Up Australia Party, whose website has the cheery slogan “Keep Australia Australian!”.

Already, I am dubious.  This is probably because I am un-Australian.

Their little flag-picture thingie adds a few more key words and slogans: Families, Education, Jobs, Business, Free Speech, alongside “Multi-Ethnic, One Culture”, which I’m not sure is grammatical, but I probably shouldn’t start insulting them before I’ve actually read their policies.  I will note that I am always a little suspicious when “Free Speech” turns up on the front page of a party website, as in my experience this particular priority has a significant correlation with people wanting to say really nasty things and not have anyone complain about them.

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