Let’s start with the big announcement – Cate Speaks now has its own web address! I have registered www.catespeaks.net as a domain, and have also bought a WordPress Plan which should make the ads on this website disappear. This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, and it has been made possible by your support through my Ko-fi.com account, so thank you for that. You might want to update your bookmarks, but don’t worry too much if you don’t remember to do so – the domain maps from the WordPress site, so going to the old site should bring you straight here.
I’ll be making one other change to this website, and that is to start adding book reviews, mostly retrospectively, but you can expect to hear a lot from me on this score in the months leading up to the Hugo Awards. The reason for this addition is that I’ve been reviewing books in a number of different locations for a while, and felt like it would be a good idea to consolidate everything in the one spot. (Nobody needs five separate blogs, a Facebook account, a Twitter account, and a Goodreads account. It’s ridiculous.) You might get a bit more silly poetry around here, too. I seem to be in that sort of mood. I’ll keep tagging everything as appropriate, so if you are just here for the politics, you can easily avoid the frivolity and lowbrow literary choices.
And that’s enough of that – let’s take a look at 2018.