If you are arriving at this blog in these final few days before the election, the odds are good that you won’t have time to read my extensive and Eurovision-embellished essays before you vote.

And that’s OK!  Nobody has ever accused me of being concise, and I get that people do have lives that don’t revolve around researching every single political party out there (though I do think it is worthwhile to research a few.  I wouldn’t be writing this blog if I didn’t think our choice of government was important!).

Also, I won’t deny that my blog posts are *full* of opinions, and reflect my own personal priorities.  They may not reflect yours.

So here, for your delectation, are a collection of other essays, blogs and Twitter threads that are designed to help you figure out who to vote for.  Most of them (all of them?!) are significantly shorter than mine.  Some of them have different priorities.  All of them are, I think, useful to any reader who is still trying to figure out who some of these small parties are.


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