I found out last night that a friend of mine in America killed herself shortly after the election results were announced.

She had a health condition that was painful and disabling, and which required daily medication to manage.  And, from what I can gather, she died because she knew she would not be able to afford that medication if Obamacare was repealed.

She was a wonderful writer, a collector of folktale retellings, and an adopter of rescue cats.  I’ve known her for fifteen years online.  I never met her in person, and now I never will.  But that did not make her less of a friend.

She is not the first casualty of this election, and she won’t be the last.

Lest we forget.


Please, everyone, look after yourselves and each other.  And if you are not coping, please call someone.

(The link above has a list of suicide helplines for countries all over the world (the USA ones are in the right sidebar).