Knowing what’s going on in the world is important, but it can be very disheartening and it’s easy to feel helpless. This page will link you to some resources designed to help you take action.
One of the most important ways to take action is to vote at every election. If you are in Australia, the first step is to enrol to vote. If you think you are enrolled, but aren’t sure, you can check your enrolment with the AEC, and if necessary, change your address. If you are overseas at the time of an election, don’t panic! Provided you are on the electoral roll, you will still be able to vote. You can find information about postal voting or voting in person on the AEC website. If you need to vote before the election, a list of pre-poll voting centres can be found here.
Sometimes, politicians just need to be told what to do. Follow this link for information on how to find your MP or Senators, how to address them, and some tips on writing letters that they might actually read.
Page coming soon!
Not everything can be solved with politics. And sometimes, writing letters to politicians isn’t something we are able to do. But there are often organisations on the ground that could use your support, if you have time, money or material goods to donate.
This page will have links to petitions, protests and other direct actions that I am aware of.
Page coming soon!
Because nobody can be an activist 24 hours a day without completely burning out. Here’s a list of things you might like to do to make yourself and the people around you feel just a little bit better.