Politics, Poetry and Reviews

Sad news from Melbourne

This is Andrew posting. I have some devastating news. Catherine died suddenly last night in Williamstown from a heart attack. She was having a cycling holiday. We don’t have much more information at the moment, and we’ll let you know when we have more details, and when arrangements are being made.

If you have a special offer of help (eg knowledge of legal requirements, etc), please let Gillian Brent, Geoffrey Brent or me know.

No flowers please. There will be other ways to remember her, and I’ll post when we know what’s happening. Also no visitors for the meantime please unless specifically asked, or if one of us spoke with you earlier.

She was the most wonderful, vibrant, beautiful, thoughtful, caring, passionate person and I cannot believe she is gone


  1. strolling.eye

    Oh, my, this is a shock and is deeply saddening news. My I will miss her posts and delightfully approachable view of the matters she wrote on. My sympathies to all who knew her …

  2. Sandra Cederblad Kanck

    This is a message to us all to make the most of every second of your life. I will certainly miss Cate’s incisive analysis of political parties and candidates in the forthcoming federal election. Please ensure that her blogs are drawn to the attention of the National Library Australia for their archiving.

  3. Kirsten Boxall

    I’m so desperately sorry to hear this. She was an amazing person and leaves a huge void.

  4. sundari111

    Oh NO! I loved her posts, esp. at election time.

    Deepest sympathy for all those close to her and sorrowing for her

    Jai Guru Dev,

    [Mrs] Ingrid Hindell

  5. Sandy Buck

    My sincere condolences to all of Catherine’s family and friends.
    Catherine made quite a difference to me. She showed me how to advocate for things I cared about and how to sift through the noise, to find the nuts and bolts of an issue.
    I have been looking forward to her new blogs, with so much happening in the Federal level and a state election later in the year.
    Vale Catherine

  6. Daniel

    My condolences. Catherine’s posts are probably the prime reason I started putting more thought into my voting preferences.

  7. Derry Talvainn

    Oh I am so sorry! I always enjoyed her emails. Love to you all at this time. ❤💐❤

  8. azurelunatic

    oh no

    I’m so sorry. She was a brilliant light and a hilarious writer and had so much enthusiasm for everything.

  9. John McKeon

    Sad news, I am sorry.

  10. Tash Bickley

    I’m so sad to hear. My heartfelt condolences to all of Catherine’s family and friends. I only know her through her blog but I’ll miss her inspiration, passion and insightful thoughts terribly. I wish there were more like her.

  11. Pat

    I’m so sorry to hear this. I only knew Cate through reading this blog, but I found her writing thoughtful and a useful contribution to Australian politics. I know it is trivial for me to say so at a time like this, but I was very much looking forward to reading her guide to the minor political parties for the next election. That’s how I vote, I start with Cate’s guide. Cate’s was the kind of writing where even though you disagree with everything she says you still learn something from reading it, a vital trait in a liberal democracy. We are poorer for having lost her. Thankyou Andrew for letting everyone know.

  12. Ozlsn

    I still cannot believe this. Catherine I will miss your commentary, analysis and your passion for life and community. I still wish so much that it is a horrible mistake.

  13. Gee Jen

    I’m so sorry for your loss

  14. Simon

    This is awful news. Condolences to all who loved her.

  15. Louise

    I am so sorry to hear it. Cate’s voice has been a beacon of hope in this frustrating world. I hope all you who knew her and loved her know the difference she was making in this way – even to total strangers like me.

  16. Michelle

    What heartbreaking news. My deepest condolences to Catherine’s family and friends.
    Today, the moment I heard that the upcoming federal election had been called, I came straight to this site. I’ve treasured Cate’s incisive and witty commentary in the lead-up to each election since 2013. I’m another person who encountered Catherine only through this blog, but the immediacy of her writing made me to feel like I knew her. I want to say that this blog has been a truly invaluable resource for me. I’m not sure what I’ll do without her clear-headed and often hilarious reviews of all the microparties in future election seasons. Catherine’s excellent research and analysis certainly made it easier for me to cast an informed and meaningful vote in recent years, and I’ll miss her insight, humour, and moral seriousness.
    In defending conscious and thoughtful voting over and above alignment with her own vote, she was radically democratic. Our world needs more like her.

    • Catherine

      This is Catherine’s husband posting on her behalf. Two of our friends are attempting to continue her work in their own way at https://www.somethingforcate.net/ – you can expect the posts for this year’s federal election to begin soon.

      • Michelle

        That is lovely news, thank you. I’ve subscribed. All good wishes.

  17. charlie3d

    I’m so sorry to hear this news, you must be devastated, Andrew. Thank you for your consideration for Cate’s devoted blog readers.

    My sincere condolences.


  18. Yuri

    I’m so sorry to hear this, and thank-you for letting us know and the new blog. Like others I only knew her through this blog, but she made a significant contribution. I found her because of her election blogging and then read everything else – the hijab posts in particular were illuminating.
    I came here today because the candidates were announced and like others, when I think about voting, I
    I start with Cate’s guide. Her writing was warm and funny and kind and I’ll miss having her perspective. The work she did was invaluable and the world will be poorer without her. My sincerest condolences to you Andrew and all her friends

  19. Gawain Davey

    I’m so sad to hear this. I had to trawl back through my records to find Cate’s blog, which I tried to visit at each election – and now, on election eve, having found it, I learn this awful news.
    However, I’m glad to hear of the new blog, and that her legacy is being continued.
    Heartfelt condolences. I could never believe the amount of work she did to analyse and explain party policies. I found her writing incredibly valuable and personable.

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